パパがコーヒーとデザートのあるお店がいいと言ってたけども、私はお腹がすいてあまりに落ち着いてお店を選ばなかった、Good Cheese Good Pizza で30分以上立ち待ちました、チーズとピザのセットで3000円、急にお腹が満足して、お店出たら、お腹が壊して全部出してしまいました。
我太饿了没有管别的,就算我先生说要可以吃甜点喝咖啡的地方,我还是选择一个店叫Good Cheese Good Pizza ,在店门外站着等待了30分钟以上,进店后我们要了3000日元的奶酪和比萨饼加沙拉套餐,一口气吃完后,当我们走出店后,我的肚子坏了,去厕所全部便了出来。
My husband and I take Mica to the Middown Hibiya ,by train to the Yurakucho station by Yamanote Line and we had a breakfast in the park near Midtown through the Showa era, Mica
feed the pigeon while eating a roll bread .And there are a festivals of national fish market in a corner of the park, has been full of people by fresh seafood can be eaten on the
spot, my husband had to piggyback Mica to walk through the market.
Lunch time is very busy in Midtown Hibiya, shopping and dining on the 1F, 2F and 3F,cinema on the 4th and 5th floors, dining and site seeing on the 6th floor.
I choose the Good Cheese Good Pizza restaurant,and stood waiting 30 minutes or more,then we get inside to have a sit.We had cheese and pizza set for 3000 yen ,suddenly satisfied
the stomach,after that I had too much cheese ,so my tummy got hurt and i went to the toilet.